The Fatherhood Certification Program helps fathers engage with their family, friends and community in ways that are healthy, nurturing and functional. We are trained mentors, who provide wise counsel and resources to men. We are deeply committed to supporting you as we all face the daily realities of life together. During this time of stress and uncertainty, our objective remains unchanged — to Encourage Brothers Through the Storms of Life!
To connect fathers to their children in a culturally competent way by training and equipping fathers in the areas of parenting and co-parenting best practices, and fatherhood engagement.
To promote, support, and maintain stable, strong and healthy families in our local communities.
Give us a chance to talk about issues affecting our lives as men and fathers
Help us to learn about our child’s development so that everyday situation can be handle effectively
Assistance in developing “functional” relationships with the mothers of their children as well as with others who are involved in the child’s life
Sharpen “life skills,” such as communication, problem solving, decision making, stress management and conflict resolution; and
Assist with developing a healthy lifestyle for ourselves and our children
Evidence-based program proven to increase pro-fathering knowledge, attitudes, and skills of fathers who participate in it.
Curriculum by the National Fatherhood Initiative. This course is for Incarcerated Fathers.
Our online initiative for busy fathers (Our goal is to always push fathers for group sessions)
Our 12-week course are offered every Thursday from 6:30pm – 8:30PM
Family History
What it means to be a Man
Showing and Handling Feelings
Men’s Health
The Father’s Role
Children’s Growth
Getting Involved
Work with Mom and Co-parenting
Dads and Work
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